Approximately 14 Americans die each day from asthma. Asthma is one of only three diseases that has shown an increasing death rate in recent years, up 58% since 1979. According to current estimates, 17 million Americans suffer from the disease, making it the most common and costly illness in the United States. Asthma causes more hospitalizations than any other child hood disease, costing families over $13 billion annually. Although many forms of Asthma can be mild, they should not be taken lightly. Asthma is a warning sign that something is wrong in the body. Chiropractic studies have linked vertebral subluxation and nerve interference with the underlying causes of Asthma.
In one study, 81 children underwent a 60-day principled chiropractic treatment for the removal of vertebral subluxation. At the end of the 60 days, 90.1% of the children showed significant improvement in their symptoms as well as a decreased frequency of asthmatic attacks. This study concluded that vertebral subluxation treatment is a safe non-pharmacological healthcare approach to decreasing asthma-related impairment (more commonly known as asthma attacks). The findings suggest a need for further investigation on the effects of chiropractic care as a management regimen for pediatric asthmatics.
Another study compared 47 people who were medically diagnosed with asthma that underwent a research study through 3 months of regular chiropractic care and all 47 of them showed great improvement. These are just a few of many studies to show very significant results with chiropractic and asthmatic symptoms.
The spinal nerves that come out of the neck and upper thoracic area have major control over the lungs. It is critical that there are no levels of vertebral subluxation in these areas, as sublaxation can interfere with the signals being sent from the brain through the spinal nerves controlling the lungs, which may lead to asthmatic-like conditions.