Sarah's Story

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, 35 minutes of uninterrupted rest can be a luxury. Not that 35 minutes is any big stretch of time—after all, it takes longer than that to dry the laundry on the short cycle! Still, imagine 35 minutes of stillness. Now imagine that after those 35 minutes are up, not only have you had an opportunity to collect you thoughts, you’ve also shed two full inches from your frame! Talk about a sweet reward on top of the relaxation!
UltraSlim Professional is the only FDA-approved noninvasive treatment for immediate fat removal. Focused light therapy is used to target your fat cells and trick them into releasing the fat content. No pain. No scars. Nowhere for the fat to go! The result is a slimmer build with serious staying power. If it sounds too good to be true, check out this testimonial from our client and UltraSlim Professional proponent Sarah:
I began the Transformation Challenge back on February 23rd at One Life Chiropractic—and I’m so excited to share my results. They were just too good! After just two months with the program, I had lost 18 pounds and 17 inches. Even though the Transformation Challenge itself has come to an end, I am still losing weight (21 pounds to date!) thanks to a newfound confidence and healthy habits I picked up from the amazing Jess at One Life. This is truly a life-changing challenge, though I have to say that I’ve worked my butt off! I’ve taken up walking and doing yoga regularly, and I feel truly fantastic. Better than I have in years.
I cannot thank the team at One Life Chiropractic enough, and I am SO grateful to Jess for all of her encouragement and knowledge every step of the way. If you have been struggling with your body image or how you feel in your own skin, the change begins with a simple call! Seriously, call Jess at 251-943-4948. In fact, tell her I sent you! You will not be disappointed. It’s truly a life-changing experience that will impact the way you look and feel. It’s absolutely amazing.