Ho, Ho, Ho—Oh no! Avoid the holiday weight gain!

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” That is, until you can no longer button your pants.
The holiday weight struggle is real. In fact, according to one study, people gain on average 7 to 10 pounds between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays – and it’s no wonder! Between the Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas potlucks, and everything in between, the subject of all the holiday gatherings is food!
But, the holiday weight gain doesn't have to be a part of your season, especially since Gulf Coast UltraSlim expert Dr. Nathan Luoma, DC, is here to offer tips on how to avoid the holiday weight gain and keep it off through the New Year celebrations and beyond!
There’s No Shaking Your Belly Like a Bowl Full of Jelly This H
oliday Season!
What if this holiday season you set a goal for yourself? What if rather than spending your holiday money on new clothes because of the holiday weight gain, you kept your money and continued to wear your clothes that are currently hanging in your closet?
Don’t think it can happen? Think again. You can maintain a healthy weight this holiday season, and Dr. Luoma is going to tell you how.
“Avoiding weight gain over the holidays doesn't have to mean avoiding the dessert table,” explains Dr. Luoma. “You can still indulge over the holidays. However, it might just mean going
for an extra jog in the morning or making a trip to Gulf Coast UltraSlim during your lunch hour to not suffer the consequences.”
Tips for Holiday Weight Loss
The following are ways you can maintain a healthy weight over the season while still enjoying the festivities of the season.
First, exercise before the holi-”day” begins. Chances are high that your holiday calendar is already booked, and the holidays are not even in full-swing yet. To get your daily burn on, start waking up an hour earlier to enjoy a nice work out before your day begins.
According to the National Weight Control Registry, people who lost weight (and kept it off) exercised an average of an hour a day regularly. Whether it’s choosing yoga and meditation to start your day or going for a run with Fido, get your day going by getting moving!
To boost your weight loss goals even more this holiday season, you can stop by Gulf Coast UltraSlim, where we know your time matters. In less than an hour, your fat cells can be reduced and you can enjoy a slimmer appearance through the use of photonic energy of light in our UltraSlim treatments.
“Our patented technology grants patients the ability to lose inches in less than 32 minutes without the need of needles and incisions,” Dr. Luoma states. “Especially around the holidays, you need results, and you need them fast! Fortunately, UltraSlim delivers results immediately.”
In fact, most patients lose an average of 1.6 liters of fat at the very first session! So lay down, relax, and take a much-deserved rest while letting the special photonic energy of light shed inches.
Second, drink moderately. While the holidays are a time for celebration, the beverages can add up in empty calories. For instance, if you were to have four drinks per the holiday season (an average of four weeks), you could consume around 1,600 calories just in beverages alone.
Make sure to limit your intake or just aim for club soda with a splash of cranberry instead.
Finally, spend the holiday season chatting up friends and family rather than partaking in the ongoing feast.
“The food will be there, but the company won’t always be,” reminds Dr. Luoma. “The holiday season is a time when family from all over can come together and create memories that will last a lifetime. As a result, focus on spending more time laughing and reminiscing with a family member you might not have seen all year than eating the food that could end up on your hips forever.”
Don’t let the holiday pounds sneak up on you this season! For more information about Gulf Coast UltraSlim services and how we can help you avoid the holiday weight gain, click here or call 251-943-4948 to speak to Dr. Luoma today!