Get the Skinny on Surgery-Free Weight Loss

If your 2019 goals included resolving to be healthier, now is the perfect moment to commit completely to living your best life through healthy choices and an uptick in physical activity.
However, while eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise is crucial to living a healthy life, there are times when additional treatments are needed to get the results desired. As a result, many people are choosing a surgery-free weight-loss option. But why?
Nathan Luoma, DC, chiropractic and weight-loss specialist at One Life Chiropractic & Gulf Coast UltraSlim, is here to help us to better understand why non-invasive weight-loss is now being sought over surgery and how Gulf Coast UltraSlim can help patients achieve the weight loss and look desired.
Trying to Lose Weight in the New Year?
According to an article in the Washington Post, more than 45 million people living in the United States go on a diet each year.
When striving for weight loss, there are many different ways people can go, such as:
Following a diet (like Mediterranean or South Beach diets)
Establishing an exercise routine, such as Yoga or CrossFit
Making healthier overall choices on a daily basis
Signing up for a meal plan (i.e., IsaGenix or NutriSystem)
Decreasing the amount of eating out
While the aforementioned ways are a great start to living a healthier life and improving your success in reaching your weight-loss goals, there might come a time where exercise and diet just don’t touch affect areas where you’re hanging on to extra weight. That is where non-invasive weight-loss options come into play.
“Let’s face it, going under the knife is scary, even when it is for a procedure to assist with weight loss,” states Dr. Luoma. “Fortunately, there are non-invasive services like Gulf Coast UltraSlim that can help patients lose weight without the need of stitches and staples.”
The Benefits of Non-Invasive Weight-Loss Procedures
When you undergo a weight-loss surgery, there are a number of possible side effects associated with the procedure, such as surgical complications, “dumping syndrome,” and gallstones. However, when you choose a non-invasive, weight-loss method like Gulf Coast UltraSlim, you can be in and out within your lunch hour—and with only one side effect: weight loss!
“With Gulf Coast UltraSlim, patients do not need to worry about recovery time, needles, pain, etc., as this procedure is a painless way for patients to eliminate fat cells from their body for optimal weight loss,” Dr. Luoma explains. “In fact, with this option, a patient can lose more fat than with a surgery. Most of our patients see more than one liter of fat gone, and that is just within the first session.”
Other benefits patients can expect from Gulf Coast UltraSlim include:
Immediate results (usually around 3.5 inches at first session)
Improved health and body image
No downtime or side effects
Reduces hunger and improves cholesterol
“Our goal is to give patients the weight-loss results they desire without the added stress of risks, side effects, long recovery periods, and pain,” says Dr. Luoma. “Gulf Coast UltraSlim is a wonderful piece of technology that allows us to do just that.”
For more information about Gulf Coast UltraSlim services and how we can help you achieve weight loss with zero side effects , click here or call 251-943-4948 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Luoma today!