Spring into Shape

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—to lose weight!
The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. And the warmer temperatures are just the perfect motivator for those looking to lose weight by summer.
But, where do you start? Nathan Luoma, DC, chiropractic and weight-loss specialist, along with our team of professionals at Gulf Coast UltraSlim want to offer you tips on how you can utilize the spring season to kickstart your weight-loss goals.
Make a Commitment to Lose Weight This Spring
While some people use January 1st as a kick-off point to start their weight-loss journey, spring can be just as effective a beginner when it comes to shedding pounds! To implement a smart weight-loss strategy that will truly work for you, first take a moment to consider your “why.”
Know Your Why
Everyone has a reason why they want to lose weight. But you need to know what your reason is so that when obstacles stand in your way—on those days that feel hard to stick with it—you are able to push through them, using your “why” as your own personal motivator.
Some “whys” might include:
Better mental health
Boost in energy
Decreased risk of joint problems
Having more energy
Improving your overall health
No matter what your “why” may be, it is important to establish your why and post it to where you can see it on a daily basis. Once this task is completed, you can move on into why spring can be the best season to accomplish your weight-loss goals.
The Heat Is On—And Calories Are Burning
The good news about rising temperatures is not only that it means colder weather is behind us but also that we are able to start burning more calories when taking our workout outdoors!
“When you are out in the heat, your body has to work harder,” explains Dr. Luoma. “Therefore, your body is going to burn more calories to keep your body cool. So, the same run you completed during the winter months might actually be burning more calories during the summer months—even though it is the same workout.”
The Sun Brings a Smile
Gloomy days call for a gloomy mood. You can only be stuck indoors for so long when the weather is cold before you start going stir crazy. Since there might not be much to do, you might even start snacking on carbs out of boredom, which definitely is a habit that doesn’t help someone trying to lose weight.
Fortunately, during the spring months, the sun is shining to a point where you might feel motivated to get outside and do something active. Whether going for a hike or even just taking Fido for a walk, outdoor activities are a great way to lose weight.
Plus, being out in warmer temperatures can make you less hungry, so you will be less likely to snack unnecessarily like you did in the winter, meaning you’re consuming less and burning more—the ideal equation to see those pounds melt away!
Pass Me a Water
While it is vital to stay hydrated in the winter months, you are more likely to understand truly needing your thirst quenched when it’s hot outside. And, when you’re hot, you are less likely to want to grab those warm, sugary drinks (especially the coffee ones)! Instead, you’ll want to grab that H20 or even a refreshing lemon water—both of which are excellent decisions in making healthier choices for your body this spring
If you get sick of water and need something else to drink during the day, iced green tea can also be a beneficial weight-loss drink while also keeping you hydrated when the temperatures are on the toasty side!
Are you ready to spring into weight loss this season? For more information about how Gulf Coast UltraSlim services can help you achieve additional weight loss
call 251-943-4948 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Luoma today!