Why Gulf Coast UltraSlim?

When you seek out help in your weight-loss goals, you want to make sure you are choosing a place and a team you can trust.
Nathan Luoma, DC, chiropractic and weight-loss specialist, and Brett Taylor, DC, at Gulf Coast UltraSlim wants you to know you can trust in our team to assist you in meeting your weight-loss goals safely and effectively this year!
The Science Behind UltraSlim
The team at Gulf Coast UltraSlim wants to provide weight-loss treatments you can have confidence in using. As a result, our team only uses American-made, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved treatment options when trying to lose weight.
However, UltraSlim isn’t just for body sculpting and weight loss. Now, our team at Gulf Coast UltraSlim offers both UltraSlim Non-Invasive Facelifts as well as treatment and reduction of pain and inflammation.
“UltraSlim utilizes red light therapy/photonic lipolysis to metabolize body fat and provide a low-risk treatment option for patients looking to lose weight without the worry of side effects,” says Dr. Luoma. “The results of UltraSlim can last as long as the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle, so it really allows them to be in the driver’s seat of their health and weight-loss goals.”
No Surgery Required!
Probably the biggest benefit to choosing Gulf Coast UltraSlim weight-loss treatment options is the fact that no surgery is required!
“UltraSlim is a completely non-surgical fat reduction treatment option, which means no pain, no needles, no surgery, no downtime!” explains Dr. Taylor. “The treatment is so easy and convenient that some patients even come in during their lunch break!”
Weight-loss treatments usually take around 30-minutes and results are typically evident in inches lost before the patient even leaves the office. While most patients lose around three and a half inches after their first treatment, most patients undergo at least six sessions to achieve their weight-loss goals.
“We are grateful to now offer this same technology for skin rejuvenation,” Dr. Luoma says. “Now patients can receive optimal results through non-invasive face-lifts. Through the UltraSlim technology, more collagen and elastin are produced to make the patient’s skin look younger without surgery required!”
Give Our VitaminMed Weight:Loss Kit a Try this May!
Now is the perfect time to give our VitaminMed Weight Loss Kit a try! During the month of May, you can take advantage of the Buy 3, Get 1 Free and 30-Day VitaminMed Weight Loss Kit deal, which equals to more than $750 in savings! The offer ends May 31, 2019, so be sure to make an appointment as soon as possible.
For more information about how Gulf Coast UltraSlim services can help you achieve additional weight loss this spring click here or call (251) 943-4948.